Sunday, August 26, 2012

God’s Agenda

God has an agenda. He ALWAYS does! Our job is to be fully in line with His and have NO form of our own mixed in with His.

God is faithful to work through what He's got to work with to accomplish His agenda, yet many times He may just sidestep us altogether. In fact, He tends to use the most unlikely to do His will.

Take Paul (Saul) for instance! He needed someone to reach the Gentiles with His gospel, yet even the qualified (His own disciples) weren't doing it! So He took THE most unlikely character...not only one practically a Pharisee, but a persecutor of the church, to accomplish His agenda!
God uses those whom are fully His (even if He's gotta knock us off our...donkey first).

I've been faced in the recent past with choices that would not seem to make sense to accomplish what I see God's will is. How much of His agenda for the day is mixed in with mine?
Many times He'll put constraints on us that don't make sense and so we have to make the choice - do we stay the course that makes the most sense to us in order to accomplish "His agenda" or do we stay within those constraints, yet faithful to the call?

"See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil."(1 Thessalonians 5:15-22 NASB)

So let us empty ourselves of our fleshly ways, desires, responses, and again walk fully in the Spirit, allowing Him FULL access to accomplish His agend

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